• Outcome context-dependence is not WEIRD: Comparing reinforcementand description- based economic preference worldwide 

      Navajas, Joaquín (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2023-03-02)
      Recent evidence indicates that reward value encoding in humans is highly context-dependent, leading to suboptimal decisions in some cases. But whether this computational constraint on valuation is a shared feature of human ...
    • Parsing a cognitive task : a characterization of the mind’s bottleneck 

      Sigman, Mariano; Dehaene, Stanislas (2005-02-08)
      Parsing a mental operation into components, characterizing the parallel or serial nature of this flow, and understanding what each process ultimately contributes to response time are fundamental questions in cognitive ...
    • Partisanship predicts COVID-19 vaccine brand preference: the case of Argentina 

      Fumagalli, Elena; Krick, Candelaria Belén; Dolmatzian, Marina Belén; del Negro, Julieta Edith; Navajas, Joaquin (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Humanit Soc Sci Commun) ISSN 2662-9992 (online), 2023)
      The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the significance of overcoming vaccine adoption resistance and addressing real and perceived barriers for efficient vaccination campaigns. One major problem faced by health systems around ...
    • Partisanship Predicts COVID-19 Vaccine Brand Preference: The Insightful Case of Argentina 

      Fumagalli, Elena; Navajas, Joaquín; Krick, Candelaria B.; Dolmatzian, Marina B.; Del Negro, Julieta (2022)
      The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of not only diminishing the resistance to vaccine adoption in general, but also to reduce both real and perceived barriers to a swift vaccination campaign. One major problem ...
    • Peer tutoring of computer programming increases exploratory behavior in children 

      de la Hera, Diego P.; Zanoni, María B.; Sigman, Mariano; Calero, Cecilia (Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2022)
      There is growing interest in teaching computer science and programming skills in schools. Here we investigated the efficacy of peer tutoring, which is known to be a useful educational resource in other domains but never ...
    • Planificación docente para fomentar habilidades cognitivas básicas desde el aula. Un ejemplo de implementación concreto 

      Goldín, Andrea P; Gonzales Chaves, Clara María (Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, 2024-03)
      Los resultados de las últimas evaluaciones de la calidad educativa evidenciaron que el sistema educativo argentino necesita un cambio. Simultáneamente, las ciencias del comportamiento han avanzado significativamente ...
    • Preliminary evidence about the effects of meditation on interoceptive sensitivity and social cognition 

      Melloni, Margherita; Sedeño, Lucas; Couto, Blas; Reynoso, Martín; Gelormini, Carlos; Favaloro, Roberto; Canales-Johnson, Andrés; Sigman, Mariano; Manes, Facundo; Ibáñez, Agustín (2013-12-23)
      Background: Interoception refers to the conscious perception of body signals. Mindfulness is a meditation practice that encourages individuals to focus on their internal experiences such as bodily sensations, thoughts, ...
    • Producing or reproducing reasoning? Socratic dialog is very effective, but only for a few 

      Goldin, Andrea Paula; Pedroncini, Olivia; Sigman, Mariano (2017-03-23)
      Successful communication between a teacher and a student is at the core of pedagogy. A well known example of a pedagogical dialog is `Meno', a socratic lesson of geometry in which a student learns (or `discovers') how ...
    • Promoting Erroneous Divergent Opinions Increases the Wisdom of Crowds 

      Navajas, Joaquín; et al. (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024)
      The aggregation of many lay judgements generates surprisingly accurate estimates. This phenomenon, called the “wisdom of crowds”, has been demonstrated in domains such as medical decision making and financial forecasting. ...
    • Promoting Erroneous Divergent Opinions Increases the Wisdom of Crowds 

      Navajas, Joaquín; et al. (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024-06-12)
      The aggregation of many lay judgments generates surprisingly accurate estimates. This phenomenon, called the “wisdom of crowds,” has been demonstrated in domains such as medical decision-making and financial forecasting. ...
    • Proprioceptive body illusions modulate the visual perception of reaching distance 

      Petroni, Agustín; Carbajal, M. Julia; Sigman, Mariano (2015-06-25)
      The neurobiology of reaching has been extensively studied in human and non-human pri- mates. However, the mechanisms that allow a subject to decide—without engaging in explicit action—whether an object is reachable are not ...
    • Quantitative pedagogy : a digital two player game to examine communicative competence 

      López-Rosenfeld, Matías; Carrillo, Facundo; Garbulsky, Gerry; Fernandez Slezak, Diego; Sigman, Mariano (2015-11-10)
      nner concepts are much richer than the words that describe them. Our general objective is to inquire what are the best procedures to communicate conceptual knowledge. We con- struct a simplified and controlled setup emulating ...
    • Serial, parallel and hierarchical decision making in primates 

      Zylberberg, Ariel; Lorteije, Jeannette AM; Ouellette, Brian G; Zeeuw, Chris I De; Sigman, Mariano; Roelfsema, Pieter (2017-06-26)
      he study of decision-making has mainly focused on isolated decisions where choices are associated with motor actions. However, problem-solving often involves considering a hierarchy of sub-decisions. In a recent study ...
    • Social validation influences individuals’ judgments about ownership 

      Casiraghi, Leandro; Faigenbaum, Gustavo; Chehtman, Alejandro; Sigman, Mariano (2018-06-30)
      In all domains, from informal to formal, there are conflicts about property and ownership which resolution demands consideration of alleged claims from more than one party. In this work we asked adults (N = 359) to judge ...
    • The brain’s router : a cortical network model of serial processing in the primate brain 

      Zylberberg, Ariel (2010-04-29)
      The human brain efficiently solves certain operations such as object recognition and categorization through a massively parallel network of dedicated processors. However, human cognition also relies on the ability to perform ...
    • The globalizability of temporal discounting 

      Ruggeri, Kai; Panin, Amma; Vdovic, Milica; Većkalov, Bojana; Abdul-Salaam, Nazeer; Achterberg, Jascha; Akil, Carla; Amatya, Jolly; Amatya, Kanchan; Andersen, Thomas Lind; Aquino, Sibele D.; Arunasalam, Arjoon; Ashcroft-Jones, Sarah; Askelund, Adrian Dahl; Ayacaxli, Nélida; Sheshdeh, Aseman Bagheri; Bailey, Alexander; Barea Arroyo, Paula; Mejía, Genaro Basulto; Benvenuti, Martina; Berge, Mari Louise; Bermaganbet, Aliya; Bibilouri, Katherine; Bjørndal, Ludvig Daae; Black, Sabrina; Lyshol, Johanna K. Blomster; Brik, Tymofii; Buabang, Eike Kofi; Burghart, Matthias; Bursalıoğlu, Aslı; Buzayu, Naos Mesfin; Čadek, Martin; de Carvalho, Nathalia Melo; Cazan, Ana-Maria; Çetinçelik, Melis; Chai, Valentino E.; Chen, Patricia; Chen, Shiyi; Clay, Georgia; D’Ambrogio, Simone; Damnjanović, Kaja; Duffy, Grace; Dugue, Tatianna; Dwarkanath, Twinkle; Envuladu, Esther Awazzi; Erceg, Nikola; Esteban-Serna, Celia; Farahat, Eman; Farrokhnia, R. A.; Fawad, Mareyba; Fedryansyah, Muhammad; Feng, David; Filippi, Silvia; Fonollá, Matías A.; Freichel, René; Freira, Lucia; Friedemann, Maja; Gao, Ziwei; Ge, Suwen; Geiger, Sandra J.; George, Leya; Grabovski, Iulia; Gracheva, Aleksandra; Gracheva, Anastasia; Hajian, Ali; Hasan, Nida; Hecht, Marlene; Hong, Xinyi; Hong, Xinyi; Hubená, Barbora; Ikonomeas, Alexander Gustav Fredriksen; Ilić, Sandra; Izydorczyk, David; Jakob, Lea; Janssens, Margo; Jarke, Hannes; Kácha, Ondřej; Kalinova, Kalina Nikolova; Kapingura, Forget Mingiri; Karakasheva, Ralitsa; Kasdan, David Oliver; Kemel, Emmanuel; Khorrami, Peggah; Krawiec, Jakub M.; Lagidze, Nato; Lazarević, Aleksandra; Lazić, Aleksandra; Lee, Hyung Seo; Lep, Žan; Lins, Samuel; Lofthus, Ingvild Sandø; Macchia, Lucía; Mamede, Salomé; Mamo, Metasebiya Ayele; Maratkyzy, Laura; Mareva, Silvana; Marwaha, Shivika; McGill, Lucy; McParland, Sharon; Melnic, Anișoara; Meyer, Sebastian A.; Mizak, Szymon; Mohammed, Amina; Mukhyshbayeva, Aizhan; Navajas, Joaquin; Neshevska, Dragana; Niazi, Shehrbano Jamali; Nieves, Ana Elsa Nieto; Nippold, Franziska; Oberschulte, Julia; Otto, Thiago; Pae, Riinu; Panchelieva, Tsvetelina; Park, Sun Young; Pascu, Daria Stefania; Pavlović, Irena; Petrović, Marija B.; Popović, Dora; Prinz, Gerhard M.; Rachev, Nikolay R.; Ranc, Pika; Razum, Josip; Rho, Christina Eun; Riitsalu, Leonore; Rocca, Federica; Rosenbaum, R. Shayna; Rujimora, James; Rujimora, James; Rusyidi, Binahayati; Rutherford, Charlotte; Said, Rand; Sanguino, Inés; Sarikaya, Ahmet Kerem; Say, Nicolas; Schuck, Jakob; Shiels, Mary; Shir, Yarden; Sievert, Elisabeth D. C.; Soboleva, Irina; Solomonia, Tina; Soni, Siddhant; Soysal, Irem; Stablum, Federica; Sundström, Felicia T. A.; Tang, Xintong; Tavera, Felice; Taylor, Jacqueline; Tebbe, Anna-Lena; Thommesen, Katrine Krabbe; Tobias-Webb, Juliette; Todsen, Anna Louise; Toscano, Filippo; Tran, Tran; Trinh, Jason; Turati, Alice; Ueda, Kohei; Vacondio, Martina; Vakhitov, Volodymyr; Valencia, Adrianna J.; Van Reyn, Chiara; Venema, Tina A. G.; Verra, Sanne E.; Vintr, Jáchym; Vranka, Marek A.; Wagner, Lisa; Wu, Xue; Xing, Ke Ying; Xu, Kailin; Xu, Sonya; Yamada, Yuki; Yosifova, Aleksandra; Zupan, Zorana; García-Garzon, Eduardo (Nature Human Behaviour, 2022)
      Economic inequality is associated with preferences for smaller, immediate gains over larger, delayed ones. Such temporal discounting may feed into rising global inequality, yet it is unclear whether it is a function of ...
    • The language of geometry : fast comprehension of geometrical primitives and rules in human adults and preschoolers 

      Amalric, Marie; Wang, Liping; Pica, Pierre; Figueira, Santiago; Sigman, Mariano; Dehaene, Stanislas (2017-01-26)
    • The Long and Winding Road to Real-Life Experiments: Remote Assessment of Executive Functions with Computerized Games—Results from 8 Years of Naturalistic Interventions 

      Goldín, Andrea P; Vladisauskas, Melina; Paz, Gabriel O; Nin, Verónica; Guillén, Jesús A; Belloli, Laouen; Delgado, Hernán; Miguel, Martín A; Macario Cabral, Daniela; Shalom Diego E.; Forés, Anna; Carboni, Alejandra; Fernández-Slezak, Diego (Brain Sciences (e-ISSN 2076-3425), 2024-03-07)
      Mate Marote is an open-access cognitive training software aimed at children between 4 and 8 years old. It consists of a set of computerized games specifically tailored to train and evaluate Executive Functions (EF), a ...
    • The neural basis of decision-making and reward processing in adults with euthymic bipolar disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 

      Ibañez, Agustín; Cetkovich, Marcelo; Petroni, Agustín; Urquina, Hugo; Baez, Sandra; Gonzalez-Gadea, María Luz; Kamienkowski, Juan Esteban; Torralva, Teresa; Torrente, Fernando; Strejilevich, Sergio; Teitelbaum, Julia; Hurtado, Esteban; Guex, Raphael; Melloni, Margherita; Lischinsky, Alicia; Sigman, Mariano; Manes, Facundo (2012-05-18)
      Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder (BD) share DSM-IV criteria in adults and cause problems in decision-making. Nevertheless, no previous report has assessed a decision-making ...
    • The Open Anchoring Quest Dataset: Anchored Estimates from 96 Studies on Anchoring Effects 

      Röseler, Lukas; Weber, Lucia; Helgerth, Katharina; Stich, Elena; Günther, Miriam; Tegethoff, Paulina; Wagner, Felix; Antunovic, M.; Barrera-Lemarchand, F.; Halali, E.; Ioannidis, K.; Genschow, O.; Milstein, N.; Molden, D. C.; Papenmeier, F.; Pavlovic, Z.; Rinn, R.; Schreiter, M. L.; Zimdahl, M. F.; Bahník, Š.; Bermeitinger, C.; Blower, F. B. N.; Bögler, H. L.; Burgmer, P.; Cheek, N. N.; Dorsch, L.; Fels, S.; Frech, M.-L.; Freira, Lucía; Harris, A. J. L.; Häusser, J. A.; Hedgebeth, M. V.; Henkel, M.; Horvath, D.; Intelmann, P.; Klamar, A.; Knappe, E.; Köppel, L.-M.; Krueger, S. M.; Lagator, S.; Lopez-Boo, F.; Navajas, Joaquín; Norem, J. K.; Novak, J.; Onuki, Y.; Page, E.; Rebholz, T. R.; Sartorio, M.; Schindler, S.; Shanks, D. R.; Siems, M.-C.; Stäglich, P.; Starkulla, M.; Stitz, M.; Straube, T.; Thies, K.; Thum, E.; Ueda, K.; Undorf, M.; Urlichich, D.; Vadillo, M. A.; Wolf, H.; Zhou, A.; Schütz, A (Journal of Open Psychology DataUbiquity Press, 2022)
      People’s estimates are biased toward previously considered numbers (anchoring). We have aggregated all available data from anchoring studies that included at least two anchors into one large dataset. Data were standardized ...