Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Living and dying with hard pegs: the rise and fall of Argentina's currency board
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
The rise and fall of Argentina’s currency board illustrates the extent to which the advantages of hard pegs have been overstated. The currency board did provide nominal stability and boosted financial intermediation, at ...
Default's in the 1990's: what have we learned?
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
The principal focus of this chapter is on sovereign defaults on external debt in the 1990s and the lessons that have been learned. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section II explains the meaning of debt ...
Defaults in the 90's: Factbook and preliminary lessons
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2002)
Since the Tequila crisis in 1994, and particularly after the succession of crises in Asia and the default episode in Russia, questions related to international sovereign bond restructuring have been increasingly at the ...
Financial globalization: unequal blessings
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2002)
This paper presents a framework to analyze financial globalization. It argues that financial globalization needs to take into account the relation between money (particularly in its role as store of value), asset and factor ...
The Argentina crisis: bad luck, bad management, bad politics, bad advice
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2002)
In my view the crisis was avoidable and one can even point to key events and decisions at particular moments of time. If some combination of these events had turned out different, it is likely that crisis would have been ...
Toolkit for the analysis of debt problems
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2002)
The idea of this chapter is to provide a number of tools that may allow an independent observer to assess the likelihood of default, to provide the clues for an evaluation of likely restructuring scenarios and to be able ...
The price of incorvertible deposits: the stock market boom during the Argentine crisis
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
The Argentine crisis witnessed, among other things, a deposit run, the suspension of deposit convertibility, and a “boom” in the stock market. We argue that this boom reflects the cost that depositors were willing to incur ...