Mostrando ítems 8-14 de 106

    • Predicción de la satisfacción del usuario a partir de chats de atención al cliente 

      Romanisio, Alejandro; Gravano, Agustín (Memorias de las JAIIO, 2023)
      Los servicios de atención al cliente son determinantes de la experiencia de usuario de las empresas Fintech. Este trabajo busca entender, empleando técnicas de machine learning, qué factores llevan a ...
    • Teamwork Quality Prediction Using Speech-Based Features 

      Meza, Martín; Gauder, Lara; Estienne, Lautaro; Barchi, Ricardo; Gravano, Agustín; Riera, Pablo; Ferrer, Luciana (SMM23, Workshop on Speech, Music and Mind 2023, 2023)
      This paper describes a novel protocol for annotating teamwork quality and related variables, based only on the speech signal. Our protocol was designed to annotate a Spanish version of the Objects Games corpus, a publicly ...
    • Partisanship predicts COVID-19 vaccine brand preference: the case of Argentina 

      Fumagalli, Elena; Krick, Candelaria Belén; Dolmatzian, Marina Belén; del Negro, Julieta Edith; Navajas, Joaquin (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Humanit Soc Sci Commun) ISSN 2662-9992 (online), 2023)
      The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the significance of overcoming vaccine adoption resistance and addressing real and perceived barriers for efficient vaccination campaigns. One major problem faced by health systems around ...
    • Interactive Crowdsourcing to Fact-check Politicians 

      Espina Mairal, Santos; Bustos, Florencia; Solovey, Guillermo; Navajas, Joaquin (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2023)
      The discourse of political leaders often contains false information that can misguide the public. Fact-checking agencies around the world try to reduce the negative influence of politicians by verifying their words. However, ...
    • NORHA: A NORmal Hippocampal Asymmetry Deviation Index Based on One-Class Novelty Detection and 3D Shape Features 

      Iarussi, Emmanuel; Deangeli, Duilio; Külsgaard, Hernán; Iarussi, Francisco; Braggio, Delfina; Princich, Juan Pablo; Bendersky, Mariana; Larrabide, Ignacio; Orlando, José Ignacio (Brain TopographySpringer, 2023)
      Radiologists routinely analyze hippocampal asymmetries in magnetic resonance (MR) images as a biomarker for neurodegenerative conditions like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s Disease. However, current clinical tools rely on either ...
    • A better alignment between chronotype and school timing is associated with lower grade retention in adolescents 

      Rodríguez Ferrante, Guadalupe; Goldín, Andrea Paula; Sigman, Mariano; Leone, María Juliana (NPJ Science of Learning, 2023)
      Schools start early in the morning all over the world, contrasting with adolescents’ late chronotype. Interestingly, lower academic performance (i.e. grades or qualifications) was associated with later chronotypes. However, ...
    • The presence of irrelevant alternatives paradoxically increases confidence in perceptual decisions 

      Sigman, Mariano; Comay, Nicolás; Della Bella, Gabriel; Lamberti, Pedro; Solovey, Guillermo; Barttfeld, Pablo (Cognition, 2023)
      Confidence in perceptual decisions is thought to reflect the probability of being correct. According to this view, confidence should be unaffected or minimally reduced by the presence of irrelevant alternatives. To test ...