Now showing items 8-10 of 10

    • Money and lies: proxy respondents and the mismeasurement of income in surveys 

      Estrada Ricardo; Goyheix, Daniela; Lombardi, María (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Gobierno, 2024-07)
      When sampled individuals are not found at home, many surveys rely on a proxy respondent: another knowledgeable household member. We study the difference between self- and proxy-reported labor income in Mexico. We use the ...
    • Principal´s time management: agenda priorities and challenges for school leaders 

      Romero, Claudia; Krichesky, Gabriela (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Gobierno, 2024-04)
      During the past years, the responsibilities, job intensification and workload of school principals have increased. Since school leadership is a key factor for improving learning, in this study we seek to understand which ...
    • The effect of high dismissal protection on bureaucratic turnover and productivity 

      Lombardi, María; Estrada, Ricardo (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaCorporación Andina de Fomento (CAF), 2022-06)
      We study the impact of high dismissal protection on bureaucratic turnover and productivity in the context of public school teachers in Chile. We take advantage of a law that required education administrators to grant a ...