• A branch-and-cut algorithm for the routing and spectrum allocation problem 

      Marenco, Javier; Bianchetti, Marcelo (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2023)
      One of the most promising solutions to deal with huge data traffic demands in large communication networks is given by flexible optical networking, in particular the flexible grid (flexgrid) technology specified in the ...
    • A branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the time-dependent electric vehicle routing problem with time windows 

      Miranda Bront, Juan José; Lera-Romero, Gonzálo; Soulignac, Francisco J. (European Journal of Operational ResearchElsevier, 2024)
      The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) within last-mile deliveries is considered one of the key transformations towards more sustainable logistics. The inclusion of EVs introduces new operational constraints to the models ...
    • A polyhedral study of a relaxation of the routing and spectrum allocation problem 

      Marenco, Javier; Bertero, Federico; Kerivin, Herve; Wagler, Annegret (Procedia Computer ScienceElsevier, 2023)
      The routing and spectrum allocation (RSA) problem arises in the context of flexible grid optical networks, and consists in routing a set of demands through a network while simultaneously assigning a bandwidth to each ...
    • A Value-Based Well-Being Framework 

      Pels, Jaqueline; Mele, Cristina; Russo-Spena, Tiziana; Tregua, Marco (Journal of MacromarketingSAGE, 2023)
      This article presents and illustrates a novel value-based well-being framework, derived from service-dominant logic notions of the link between value and well-being. Based in a wide range of disciplines, this framework ...
    • Un algoritmo basado en la descomposición combinatoria de Benders para un problema de programación de tareas 

      Bardengo, Santina; Marenco, Javier (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024-08-29)
      En este trabajo consideramos un problema de programación de tareas para una institución deportiva. Se debe programar un conjunto de tareas a lo largo de varios días, y se tiene un conjunto de empleados que pueden realizar ...
    • Un algoritmo de generación de filas y columnas para el manufacturer's pallet loading problem 

      Marenco, Javier (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024-08-29)
      En este trabajo consideramos el manufacturer's pallet loading problem, que consiste en ubicar cajas rectangulares en un contenedor rectangular, de modo tal que cada caja se ubique en posición vertical y los lados de ...
    • An integer programming approach for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters and outliers 

      Marenco, Javier (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2023)
      We present a mixed integer programming formulation for the problem of clustering a set of points in Rd with axis-parallel clusters, while allowing to discard a pre-specified number of points, thus declared to be outliers. ...
    • Analysis of a generalized Linear Ordering Problem via integer programming 

      Vulcano, Gustavo; Mendez-Diaz, Isabel; Zabala, Paula (Discrete Applied Mathematics (e-ISSN: 1872-6771), 2019-12-01)
      We study a generalized version of the linear ordering problem: Given a collection of partial orders represented by directed trees with unique root and height one, where each tree is associated with a nonnegative reward, ...
    • Crime and violence: Desensitization in victims to watchingcriminal events 

      Di Tella, Rafael; Freira, Lucía; Gálvez, Ramiro; Schargrodsky, Ernesto; Shalom, Diego E.; Sigman, Mariano (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization (e-ISSN: 1879-1751), 2019)
      We study desensitization to crime in a lab experiment by showing footage of criminal acts to a group of subjects, some of whom have been previously victimized. We measure biological markers of stress and behavioral indices ...
    • Demand Estimation under Uncertain Consideration Sets 

      Vulcano, Gustavo; Jagabathula, Srikanth; Mitrofanov, Dmitry (Operations Research (ISSN: 0030-364X), 2023-09)
      To estimate customer demand, choice models rely both on what the individuals do and do not purchase. A customer may not purchase a product because it was not offered but also because it was not considered. To account for ...
    • Un esquema basado en programación lineal entera para la programación de horarios de clases en la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella 

      Ferreiro, Carolina; Marenco, Javier (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024-08-28)
      En este trabajo consideramos el problema de programación de horarios de las clases de grado en la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Dado el conjunto de comisiones a dictar, la disponibilidad de docentes y aulas, y diversas ...
    • Extreme Dry Spells and Larger Storms in the U.S. Midwest Raise Crop Prices 

      Cornejo, Magadalena; Merener, Nicolás; Merovich, Ezequiel (RedNIE Red Nacional de Investigadores en Economía, 2024)
      The U.S. Midwest produces about a third of global corn and soybeans, two of the most important crops for humanity. Earlier literature has found that corn and soybean output is sensitive to weather in a nonlinear manner: ...
    • Facet-generating procedures for the maximum-impact coloring polytope 

      Marenco, Javier; Braga, Mónica (2023)
      Given two graphs G = (V, EG) and H = (V, EH) over the same set of vertices and given a set of colors C, the impact on H of a coloring c : V → C of G, denoted I(c), is the number of edges ij ∈ EH such that c(i) = c(j). ...
    • Government Turnover and External Financial Assistance 

      Gago, Andrés; Abad, José María; Bermejo, Vicente J.; Carozzi, Felipe (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2023)
      We study the political incentives shaping governments’ decisions to seek assistance from a lender of last resort. We propose that re-elected incumbents are more reluctant than newly elected governments to request assistance, ...
    • Human Capital Investment and Development: The Role of Onthe- Job Training 

      Nakab, Alejandro; Xiao, Ma; Vidart, Daniela (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaPeking UniversityUniversity of Connecticut, 2022)
      Workers in richer countries experience faster rates of wage growth over their lifetimes than workers in poorer countries. We offer an explanation for this pattern by showing that workers in richer economies receive more ...
    • Implicit carbon prices: Making do with the taxes we have 

      Belfiori, Elisa; Rezai, Armon (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (Online ISSN: 1096-0449), 2024)
      Climate and fiscal policy interact closely. The former imposes explicit prices for carbon emissions, while the latter affects emissions implicitly. We study the correspondence between explicit and implicit carbon pricing ...
    • Mudding the playing field. Fiscal contributions to municipalities as a political construction 

      Clerici, Paula; Demeco, Lucía; Galeano, Franco; Negri, Juan (Governance: An international Journal of Policy, Administration, and InstitutionsWiley, 2023)
      In federal presidential democracies, discretionary transfers are often mentioned as a tool used by the national executive to build and strengthen subnational support, typically governors. Funds to local mayors, however, ...
    • Multiobjective formulation for last-mile optimization in wireless networks 

      Marenco, Javier; Micheletto, Matías; Santos, Rodrigo M. (IEEE2023 XLIX Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), 2023)
      Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that serves as the basis for smart environments. The ever-expanding set of applications that provide intelligence in different scenarios is continually growing and expanding. From ...
    • Optimal Carbon Offsets with Heterogeneous Regions 

      Belfiori, Elisa; Macera, Manuel (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024-02-08)
      We study optimal climate policy in a global economy where regions differ in wealth and vulnerability to climate change. Carbon emissions from production generate out- put losses - a negative climate externality - and a ...
    • Political Uncertainty and the Geographic Allocation of Credit: Evidence from Small Businesses 

      Penas, María Fabiana; Mâo-De-Ferro, Ana; Cerqueiro, Geraldo (Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (e-ISSN:1538-4616), 2024-05-23)
      We investigate how banks change the geographic distribution of their small business loan portfolio when they face political uncertainty in some of the states where they operate. Using exogenous variation in gubernatorial ...