En esta colección se cosechan y ponen a disposición preprints, postprints y versiones publicadas, dependiendo de los permisos de autoarchivo acordados entre los Autores y las revistas. En todos los casos se menciona los datos editoriales y la URL correspondiente a la versión publicada

Envíos recientes

  • Javier Milei’s Argentina: What Lies Beneath His View on Higher Education? 

    Rabossi, Marcelo (International Higher Education (e- ISSN: 2372-4501), 2024-07-12)
    The arrival of Javier Milei, an admirer of libertarian theorists such as Murray Rothbard or Friedrich Hayek, to the presidency of Argentina raises endless questions. For example, whether his almost exclusively ...
  • Skills and Selection into Teaching: Evidence from Latin America 

    Lombardi, María; Estrada, Ricardo (Economía LACEA Journal (e-ISSN: 1533-6239), 2023-11-22)
    This paper documents a novel stylized fact: many teachers in Latin America have low levels of cognitive skills. This fact is the result of both low levels of skills among the population and—in the case of numeracy—a gap ...
  • Do social descriptive norms about generosity change children's sharing decisions and beliefs? 

    Gattei, Carolina A.; González Gadea, María Luz; Schlotthauer, Joaquín (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024)
    Children construct their social preferences and behaviors based on their social interactions and beliefs about other's behavior. Most studies that evaluate the in uence of social norms on children's sharing behavior has ...
  • Lives Versus Livelihoods: The Epidemiological, Social, And Economic Impact Of COVID-19 In Latin America And The Caribbean 

    Levy Yeyati,Eduardo; Filippini, Eduardo L.; Rubinstein, Adolfo; Santoro, Adrián; López Osornio, Alejandro L.; Bardach, Ariel L.; Cejas, Cintia; Bauhoff, Sebastián;; Augustovski, Federico; Pichon‐Riviere, Andrés L. (Health Affairs, 2023)
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Latin American and Caribbean countries implemented stringent public health and social measures that disrupted economic and social activities. This study used an integrated model to evaluate ...
  • Desigualdad y segregación educativa durante la pandemia COVID 19 en Argentina 

    Romero, Claudia; Krichesky, Gabriela; Zacarías, Natalia (Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del ProfesoradoUniversidad de Granada, 2023)
    Uno de los principales desafíos que enfrentan los sistemas educativos es evitar la agudización de desigualdades en el marco del cierre de escuelas a partir de la Pandemia COVID 19. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer ...
  • Soveregin Debt Management 

    Levy Yeyati,Eduardo (RedNIE Red Nacional de Investigadores en Economía, 2023)
    This paper reviews debt management strategies in Latin America from a positive and a normative perspective. It discusses the definition of the debt perimeter (what items should be considered to optimize the cost-risk ...
  • Rethinking First Language–Second Language Similarities and Differences in English Proficiency: Insights From the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) Project 

    Gattei, Carolina A.; Shalom, Diego E.; et al. (Language LearningWiley Periodicals LLC, 2023)
    This article presents the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) project that offers data on English reading and listening comprehension from 7,338 university-level advanced learners and native speakers of English representing ...
