Now showing items 100-119 of 146

    • Predicción de la satisfacción del usuario a partir de chats de atención al cliente 

      Romanisio, Alejandro; Gravano, Agustín (Memorias de las JAIIO, 2023)
      Los servicios de atención al cliente son determinantes de la experiencia de usuario de las empresas Fintech. Este trabajo busca entender, empleando técnicas de machine learning, qué factores llevan a ...
    • Preliminary evidence about the effects of meditation on interoceptive sensitivity and social cognition 

      Melloni, Margherita; Sedeño, Lucas; Couto, Blas; Reynoso, Martín; Gelormini, Carlos; Favaloro, Roberto; Canales-Johnson, Andrés; Sigman, Mariano; Manes, Facundo; Ibáñez, Agustín (2013-12-23)
      Background: Interoception refers to the conscious perception of body signals. Mindfulness is a meditation practice that encourages individuals to focus on their internal experiences such as bodily sensations, thoughts, ...
    • Primer relevamiento de actores de los negocios inclusivos en Argentina. Primera parte, emprendimientos y pequeñas empresas, 2012-2013 

      Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Espacio de Negocios Inclusivos (ENI) (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Espacio de Negocios Inclusivos (ENI), 2013)
      El objetivo del informe es identificar negocios inclusivos y los actores de apoyo, en otras palabras, entender el (eco)sistema de los negocios inclusivos en Argentina. Esta iniciativa nace ante la ausencia de un estudio ...
    • Primer relevamiento de actores de los negocios inclusivos en Argentina. Segunda parte, programas con impacto social de las grandes empresas (2014-2016) 

      Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Espacio de Negocios Inclusivos (ENI) (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Espacio de Negocios Inclusivos (ENI), 2016)
      El objetivo general del presente relevamiento es indagar cómo desarrollan acciones con impacto social las grandes empresas en Argentina y cómo se enmarcan esos programas en su modelo de negocio. En tanto que los objetivos ...
    • Producing or reproducing reasoning? Socratic dialog is very effective, but only for a few 

      Goldin, Andrea Paula; Pedroncini, Olivia; Sigman, Mariano (2017-03-23)
      Successful communication between a teacher and a student is at the core of pedagogy. A well known example of a pedagogical dialog is `Meno', a socratic lesson of geometry in which a student learns (or `discovers') how ...
    • Promoting Erroneous Divergent Opinions Increases the Wisdom of Crowds 

      Navajas, Joaquín; et al. (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024)
      The aggregation of many lay judgements generates surprisingly accurate estimates. This phenomenon, called the “wisdom of crowds”, has been demonstrated in domains such as medical decision making and financial forecasting. ...
    • Promoting Erroneous Divergent Opinions Increases the Wisdom of Crowds 

      Navajas, Joaquín; et al. (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024-06-12)
      The aggregation of many lay judgments generates surprisingly accurate estimates. This phenomenon, called the “wisdom of crowds,” has been demonstrated in domains such as medical decision-making and financial forecasting. ...
    • Proprioceptive body illusions modulate the visual perception of reaching distance 

      Petroni, Agustín; Carbajal, M. Julia; Sigman, Mariano (2015-06-25)
      The neurobiology of reaching has been extensively studied in human and non-human pri- mates. However, the mechanisms that allow a subject to decide—without engaging in explicit action—whether an object is reachable are not ...
    • Quantitative pedagogy : a digital two player game to examine communicative competence 

      López-Rosenfeld, Matías; Carrillo, Facundo; Garbulsky, Gerry; Fernandez Slezak, Diego; Sigman, Mariano (2015-11-10)
      nner concepts are much richer than the words that describe them. Our general objective is to inquire what are the best procedures to communicate conceptual knowledge. We con- struct a simplified and controlled setup emulating ...
    • "redACTIVOS" case history 

      Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Espacio de Negocios Inclusivos (ENI) (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Espacio de Negocios Inclusivos (ENI), 2011)
      Breve historia de la "redActivos Empresa Social de la Usina".
    • Redes de mujeres en el mundo del trabajo: una estrategia para alcanzar la equidad 

      Argoitia, Juan Martín; Cavalo, Lucía; Gómez, Valentina; Heller, Lidia; Roda, Lu; Sucarrat, María José (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2023)
      Las redes de mujeres son consideradas como una de las estrategias más eficaces para el logro del empoderamiento colectivo de las mujeres. El contenido de este Estudio fue producido en el marco de una investigación de ...
    • Reforming capital requirements in emerging countries 

      Powell, Andrew; Balzarotti, Verónica; Castro, Christian (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2002)
      This paper then attempts to show how a PCR, in this case from Argentina, can help to set capital and provisioning rules. In order to so this, we employ an econometric credit scoring model on the PCR data - an ordered probit ...
    • Regional integration and the location of FDI 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Daude, Christian; Stein, Ernesto (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
      How will the creation of the FTAA affect FDI from the rest of the world to the region? What are the implications of FTAA for a country such as Mexico whose preferential access to the US may be diluted? Would the effect be ...
    • Serial, parallel and hierarchical decision making in primates 

      Zylberberg, Ariel; Lorteije, Jeannette AM; Ouellette, Brian G; Zeeuw, Chris I De; Sigman, Mariano; Roelfsema, Pieter (2017-06-26)
      he study of decision-making has mainly focused on isolated decisions where choices are associated with motor actions. However, problem-solving often involves considering a hierarchy of sub-decisions. In a recent study ...
    • Los servicios financieros móviles como herramienta para la inclusión financiera en la República Argentina 

      Gottselig, José Mariano (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2013)
      Barreras de diversa índole –como ser la distancia, los costos, la falta de documentación idónea, entre muchas otras- restringen el pleno acceso a los servicios financieros por parte de importantes segmentos de nuestra ...
    • Social validation influences individuals’ judgments about ownership 

      Casiraghi, Leandro; Faigenbaum, Gustavo; Chehtman, Alejandro; Sigman, Mariano (2018-06-30)
      In all domains, from informal to formal, there are conflicts about property and ownership which resolution demands consideration of alleged claims from more than one party. In this work we asked adults (N = 359) to judge ...
    • Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates via branch and cut 

      Miranda Bront, Juan José; Montero, Agustín; Méndez-Díaz, Isabel (EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics (ISSN 2192-4384)Elsevier, 2023)
      In this paper we study the Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates (TSP-rd) and completion time minimization. The TSP-rd considers a single vehicle and a set of customers that must be served exactly once with goods ...
    • Speech-induced suppression during natural dialogue 

      Gravano, Agustín; González, Joaquín E.; Nieto, Nicolás; Brusco, Pablo; Kamienkowski, Juan E. (Communications Biology (ISSN 2399-3642), 2024)
      When engaged in a conversation, one receives auditory information from the other’s speech but also from their own speech. However, this information is processed differently by an effect called Speech-Induced Suppression. ...
    • Teamwork Quality Prediction Using Speech-Based Features 

      Meza, Martín; Gauder, Lara; Estienne, Lautaro; Barchi, Ricardo; Gravano, Agustín; Riera, Pablo; Ferrer, Luciana (SMM23, Workshop on Speech, Music and Mind 2023, 2023)
      This paper describes a novel protocol for annotating teamwork quality and related variables, based only on the speech signal. Our protocol was designed to annotate a Spanish version of the Objects Games corpus, a publicly ...
    • The Argentina crisis: bad luck, bad management, bad politics, bad advice 

      Powell, Andrew (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2002)
      In my view the crisis was avoidable and one can even point to key events and decisions at particular moments of time. If some combination of these events had turned out different, it is likely that crisis would have been ...