• An Integrated Epidemiological and Economic Model of COVID-19 NPIs in Argentina 

      Rubinstein, Adolfo; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; López Osornio, Alejandro L.; Filippini, Federico; Santoro, Adrián; Cejas, Cintia; Bardach, Ariel L.; Palacios, Alfredo; Argento, Fernando; Balivian, Jamile; Augustovski, Federico; Pichon‐Riviere, Andrés L. (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2022-11)
      We added a multi-sectoral economic framework to a SVEIR epidemiological model, combining the economic rationale of the DAEDALUS model with a detailed treatment of lockdown fatigue and declining compliance with Public Health ...
    • When did Argentina lose its mojo? A short note on economic divergence 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Katz, Sebastián (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Gobierno, 2024-04)
      Based on long series of per capita GDPs, we characterize the economic divergence of Argentina in the 20th century relative to a group of countries with comparable initial income per capita. We find the divergence to be ...