Now showing items 1-20 of 23

    • A Balance-Sheet Approach to Fiscal Sustainability 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Sturzenegger, Federico (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-03)
      Recent empirical research on emerging markets debt, currency crises and fiscal sustainability has placed a significant focus on the role of currency mismatches with the emphasis placed on the currency composition of explicit ...
    • A new Labor Conflict Index for Argentina: Preliminary Findings 

      Judzik, Darío; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Montané, Martín (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-02)
      Labor conflict has been broadly neglected by economists as a sociological issue with limited impact. In this paper, we present a new Labor Conflict Index based on the application of text mining techniques to media data, ...
    • An Integrated Epidemiological and Economic Model of COVID-19 NPIs in Argentina 

      Rubinstein, Adolfo; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; López Osornio, Alejandro L.; Filippini, Federico; Santoro, Adrián; Cejas, Cintia; Bardach, Ariel L.; Palacios, Alfredo; Argento, Fernando; Balivian, Jamile; Augustovski, Federico; Pichon‐Riviere, Andrés L. (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2022-11)
      We added a multi-sectoral economic framework to a SVEIR epidemiological model, combining the economic rationale of the DAEDALUS model with a detailed treatment of lockdown fatigue and declining compliance with Public Health ...
    • Classifying Exchange Rate Regimes: 20 Years Later 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Sturzenegger, Federico (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2022-10)
      Twenty years ago, in Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger (2001) we proposed a de facto classification of exchange rate regimes which contrasted with the –at the time, standard– de jure classifications based on self-reporting by ...
    • COVID-19 database 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Sartori, Ignacio (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2020-07)
      The COVID-19 database is a statistical package developed by the Center for the Evaluation of Evidence-Based Policies (CEPE). This dataset collects more than 50 indicators in more than 150 countries to consolidate them into ...
    • Do women ask for lower salaries? The supply side of the gender pay gap 

      González-Rozada, Martín; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2018)
      We explore a new rich dataset of online asking prices from a large online job application platform in Argentina. We find that women, on average, ask for a significant 6% significant less than men, a gender ask gap that ...
    • Dolarización y desdolarización financiera en el nuevo milenio 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2020-11)
      La dolarización, en sus múltiples variantes, es crucial para entender la macroeconomía latinoamericana, así como la de muchos países en desarrollo. Este estudio discute y repasa con datos su evolución desde 2000 en América ...
    • Financial dollarization and de-dollarization in the new millennium 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-01)
      Dollarization, in its many variants, is crucial to understanding Latin American macroeconomics, as well as that of many developing countries. This paper builds a new updated dataset on dollarization, reviews its evolution ...
    • How ETFs Amplify the Global Financial Cycle in Emerging Markets 

      Converse, Nathan; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Williams, Tomas (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2017-12)
      Since the early 2000s exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have grown to become an important investment vehicle worldwide. In this paper, we study how their growth affects the sensitivity of international capital flows to the ...
    • Labor conflict and sectoral wage setting in Argentina 

      Judzik, Darío; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Gauna, Alfonso (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-09)
      We contribute to the analysis of the macroeconomic and labor market impact of labor conflict in two ways: we introduce a Labor Conflict Index (LCI), built at both the aggregate and the sectoral level, and estimate the ...
    • Leader over policy? The influence of political leaders on policy preferences 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Moscovich, Lorena; Abuin, Constanza (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2017-10)
      To extend the existing literature on political polarization beyond the traditional setup (an ideologically well-defined two-party setup), we run survey experiments in the great Buenos Aires area of Argentina to explore ...
    • Leaning-against-the-wind intervention and the “carry-trade” view of the cost of reserves 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Gómez, Juan Francisco (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2022)
      We estimate, for a sample of emerging economies, the quasi-fiscal costs of sterilized foreign exchange interventions as the P&L of an inverse carry trade. We show that these costs can be substantial when intervention has ...
    • Lockdown fatigue: The diminishing effects of quarantines on the spread of COVID-19 

      Goldstein, Patricio; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Sartorio, Lucas (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021)
      Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) have been for most countries the key policy instrument utilized to contain the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we conduct an empirical analysis of the impact of ...
    • Pandemic divergence: A short note on COVID-19 and global income inequality 

      Filippini, Federico; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-12)
      In this paper we provide an initial assessment of the economic losses related to the COVID pandemic in two ways: as output contractions in 2020-2021, and as growth revisions (the estimated cumulative output loss in 2020-2030 ...
    • Radiografía del trabajo argentino 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Favata, Federico; Montané, Martín; Schteingart, Daniel (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de GobiernoCentro para la Evaluación de Políticas basadas en Evidencia (CEPE), 2018-02)
      Este trabajo presenta una primera aproximación al panorama presente y la evolución reciente del mercado de trabajo en la Argentina que nos permita poner en contexto el debate de las políticas de empleo de cara al futuro, ...
    • Revolución digital y empleo en América Latina 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2020-03)
      América Latina está en una etapa incipiente de la revolución tecnológica, al tiempo que en la región prevalecen la informalidad y el trabajo precario. En este contexto, es esencial preguntarse por los desafíos de los cambios ...
    • Social and economic impact of COVID-19 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Filippini, Eduardo L. (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-06)
      This paper presents a succinct summary of the existing economic literature on the economic and fiscal impact of the pandemic, and a preliminary estimate of the associated economic cost. It documents the incidence of initial ...
    • Specificity of human capital: Occupation and industry spaces based on job-to-job transitions 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Montané, Martín (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2020-04)
      Using job transition data from Argentina’s Household Survey, we document the extent to which human capital is specific to occupations and activities. Based on workers’ propensity to move between occupations/industries, ...
    • State-owned enterprises: In search for a new consensus 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Negri, Juan (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2022-05)
      The objective of this study is to identify whether there is a contemporary consensus on the role of SOEs in different countries on selected issues, through the view of experts around the globe. We conducted a survey to ...
    • Take me out: De facto limits on strict lockdowns in developing countries 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Sartori, Ignacio (Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2020-07)
      In the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns and containment measures were a fundamental tool to control the spread of the virus. In this article, we analyze data from 120 countries seeking to assess the stringency of de jure ...