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Instituto Torcuato Di Tella
La producción científica desarrollada en el Instituto desde su fundación hasta nuestros días
Recent Submissions
Leaning-against-the-wind intervention and the “carry-trade” view of the cost of reserves
(Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2022)We estimate, for a sample of emerging economies, the quasi-fiscal costs of sterilized foreign exchange interventions as the P&L of an inverse carry trade. We show that these costs can be substantial when intervention has ... -
Educational Territories and Schools that Go Global. The Case of IB Schools and the Emergence of New Territorialities
(Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de GobiernoTaylor & Francis Group., 2022)Over the last three decades, education privatization has become a global phenomenon with different manifestations in each country. In Argentina, it unfolds in a variety of ways, with a diversified educational offering ... -
Skills and Selection into Teaching: Evidence from Latin America
(Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-12)This paper documents a novel stylized fact: many teachers in Latin America have very low levels of cognitive skills. This skills deficit is the result of both low levels of competencies among the population and a gap between ... -
A cascade of exclusion: administrative burdens and access to citizenship in the case of Argentina’s National Identity Document
(International Reviewof Administrative Sciences (SAGE), 2021)Administrative burdens can hinder people’s social, political and economic participation. However, most empirical studies usually tackle the issue of how they affect access to citizenship merely indirectly. This article ... -
Latin American Public Administration
(Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-10)The reality of Latin American public administrations has surpassed many of the categories that could be derived theoretically. In fact, a common feature of most public administrations in the region is, precisely, their ... -
Labor conflict and sectoral wage setting in Argentina
(Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-09)We contribute to the analysis of the macroeconomic and labor market impact of labor conflict in two ways: we introduce a Labor Conflict Index (LCI), built at both the aggregate and the sectoral level, and estimate the ... -
“Liderazgo heroico en las escuelas” Dimensión socioemocional en Directivos Escolares durante la pandemia COVID 19 en Argentina
(Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-09)Este estudio tiene como objetivo conocer desde la perspectiva de los directores escolares cuál es la situación socioemocional al finalizar el ciclo lectivo 2020, cuáles son sus principales preocupaciones y necesidades: ...