Mostrando ítems 687-693 de 753

    • Default's in the 1990's: what have we learned? 

      Sturzenegger, Federico; Chuham, Punan (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
      The principal focus of this chapter is on sovereign defaults on external debt in the 1990s and the lessons that have been learned. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section II explains the meaning of debt ...
    • Concentration and foreign penetration in Latin American banking sectors: impact on competition and risk 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
      In recent years, Latin American banking sectors have experienced an accelerated process of concentration and foreign penetration that has prompted diverse views regarding its implications for the competitive behavior of ...
    • Por qué crecen menos los regímenes de tipo de cambio fijo? El efecto de los Sudden Stops 

      Stuzenegger, Federico (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
    • Finantial dollarization and debt deflation under a currency board 

      Levy Yeyati, Eduardo; Galiani, Sebastián; Schargrodsky, Ernesto Santiago (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
      In the late currency board years, Argentina faced a real exchange rate adjustment through price deflation amidst growing devaluation expectations. Using a firm-level panel database to analyze the incidence of these factors ...
    • Business cycle and macroeconomic policy coordination in MERCOSUR 

      González-Rozada, Martín; Fanelli, José (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)
      The paper analyzes cyclical comovements in the Mercosur area differentiating idiosyncratic from common shocks. In the Mercosur (or any region for that matter) shocks can be country-specific, affecting only one country or ...
    • Poseer y usar la belleza: crónica de una colección 

      Giunta, Andrea (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos, 2000)
      «Collectors, it is said, are born. But they are also made by their environments and by the turn of their temperaments. [...] were both “born” and “made”.» Con esta afirmación se presentaba, en 1959, una selección de la ...
    • Arquitecturas de autor o arquitecturas de mecenas 

      Pampinella, Silvia (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos, 2000)
      Desde el paseo peatonal de Puerto Madero se ve una serie de vigas curvas como enormes costillas sobrevolar una construcción de hormigón más allá del dique 4. Al lado de la plaza Perú, frente al Palacio Alcorta en Palermo ...