Browsing Investigación y publicaciones by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 802
11. América Latina y sus grandes estrategias
(Fundación Carolina, 2024)“Gran estrategia” es un concepto polisémico. El problema semántico no se limita solo a su ontología, incluye preguntas que involucran cuestiones fundamentales referidas a su misma posibilidad o razón de ser, o sobre el ... -
40 años de Democracia
(Ministerio de Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 2023)En el aniversario número 40 de lo que tal vez sea la mayor conquista de la historia Argentina, la democracia que supimos conseguir merece ser celebrada. Hay mucho para criticar, múltiples fracasos y profundas falencias, ... -
40 Años de Democracia: Lo Viejo y lo Nuevo en la Política de los Ciclos Económicos Argentinos
(Desarrollo Económico. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (e-ISSN:1853-8185), 2023-12)El ensayo analiza la economía política de Argentina a partir de 1983, y la compara con los ciclos políticoeconómicos de posguerra en el SXX. Señalamos la sorprendente persistencia de ciclos con características similares ... -
A Balance-Sheet Approach to Fiscal Sustainability
(Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-03)Recent empirical research on emerging markets debt, currency crises and fiscal sustainability has placed a significant focus on the role of currency mismatches with the emphasis placed on the currency composition of explicit ... -
A better alignment between chronotype and school timing is associated with lower grade retention in adolescents
(NPJ Science of Learning, 2023)Schools start early in the morning all over the world, contrasting with adolescents’ late chronotype. Interestingly, lower academic performance (i.e. grades or qualifications) was associated with later chronotypes. However, ... -
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the routing and spectrum allocation problem
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2023)One of the most promising solutions to deal with huge data traffic demands in large communication networks is given by flexible optical networking, in particular the flexible grid (flexgrid) technology specified in the ... -
A branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the time-dependent electric vehicle routing problem with time windows
(European Journal of Operational ResearchElsevier, 2024)The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) within last-mile deliveries is considered one of the key transformations towards more sustainable logistics. The inclusion of EVs introduces new operational constraints to the models ... -
A cascade of exclusion: administrative burdens and access to citizenship in the case of Argentina’s National Identity Document
(International Reviewof Administrative Sciences (SAGE), 2021)Administrative burdens can hinder people’s social, political and economic participation. However, most empirical studies usually tackle the issue of how they affect access to citizenship merely indirectly. This article ... -
A Cross-Cultural Study of Everyday Moral Experiences
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2024)Do people in different societies experience morality differently in everyday life? Using experience sampling methods, we investigate everyday moral experiences in a sample from 20 countries across 6 continents, thereby ... -
A kantian conception of causality from Freedom
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1998-04)Everything in nature works either according to laws or according to the representation of laws. In the first case the effect is made to happen, independently of will; it pertains to the context of natural causality. In ... -
A lesion model of envy and "Schadenfreude" : legal, deservingness and moral dimensions as revealed by neurodegeneration
(2017-08-21)The study of moral emotions (i.e. Schadenfreude and envy) is critical to understand the ecological complexity of everyday interactions between cognitive, affective, and social cognition processes. Most previous studies in ... -
A massive experiment on choice blindness in political decisions : confidence, confabulation, and unconscious detection of self-deception
(207-02-14)We implemented a Choice Blindness Paradigm containing political statements in Argentina to reveal the existence of categorical ranges of introspective reports, identified by confidence and agreement levels, separating ... -
A Matter of Journal Choice: A Conjoint Experiment on Submission Choices of Latin American IR Scholars
(International Studies Perspectives (ISSN 1528-3585), 2023-12)Este artículo aborda la infrarrepresentación que sufren los académicos procedentes del Sur Global en las publicaciones del Norte Global. Con el fin de explorar este tema, realizamos un estudio sobre las decisiones de ... -
A new Labor Conflict Index for Argentina: Preliminary Findings
(Universidad Torcuato Di TellaEscuela de Gobierno, 2021-02)Labor conflict has been broadly neglected by economists as a sociological issue with limited impact. In this paper, we present a new Labor Conflict Index based on the application of text mining techniques to media data, ... -
A new test for the success of inflation targeting
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Negocios. Centro de Investigaciones en Finanzas (CIF), 2003)We propose a new test, derived from a set of variance decompositions of a structural VAR, for the success of inflation targeting. In contrast to standard sacrifice ratios this test considers changes in the structure of ... -
A polyhedral study of a relaxation of the routing and spectrum allocation problem
(Procedia Computer ScienceElsevier, 2023)The routing and spectrum allocation (RSA) problem arises in the context of flexible grid optical networks, and consists in routing a set of demands through a network while simultaneously assigning a bandwidth to each ... -
A propósito de la "Posdata Americana" de Pevsner
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos, 2011)Especialmente compuesto para la impresión en paperback de An Outline of European Architecture publicado por Penguin Books, el breve escrito «American Postscript» fue agregado por su autor, Nikolaus Pevsner en 1953, diez ... -
A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID-19
(Nature ISSN 1476-4687 (online), 2023)Scientific evidence regularly guides policy decisions1, with behavioural science increasingly part of this process2. In April 2020, an influential paper3 proposed 19 policy recommendations (‘claims’) detailing how evidence ... -
A Value-Based Well-Being Framework
(Journal of MacromarketingSAGE, 2023)This article presents and illustrates a novel value-based well-being framework, derived from service-dominant logic notions of the link between value and well-being. Based in a wide range of disciplines, this framework ... -
Acciones colectivas, un mecanismo para proteger la voluntad del pueblo : corrupción en Latinoamérica
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Derecho, 2016-07)En este trabajo analizaré la aplicabilidad de las acciones colectivas como un mecanismo para combatir la corrupción en el gobierno. Para ello, examinaré cómo la corrupción vulnera los intereses y la voluntad del pueblo ...