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dc.contributor.authorLevy Yeyati, Eduardoes_AR
dc.contributor.authorMoscovich, Lorenaes_AR
dc.contributor.authorAbuin, Constanzaes_AR
dc.description.abstractTo extend the existing literature on political polarization beyond the traditional setup (an ideologically well-defined two-party setup), we run survey experiments in the great Buenos Aires area of Argentina to explore the role of leader and party endorsement in shaping public opinion over policies, in a context of a weak and ideologically elusive party system dominated by strong personalistic leaders. We find evidence of a significant (leader as well as party) endorsement effect, regardless of the degree of ex ante polarization (so that sponsorship may introduce polarization on ex ante unpolarized issues). In addition, we document asymmetries relative to party and leader (some leaders have larger polarizing effects than others; negative identification with a leader seems to prevail over positive identification) and the ineffectiveness of co-sponsorship and “against-character” endorsement to broaden policy support.es_AR
dc.format.extent34 p.es_AR
dc.publisherUniversidad Torcuato Di Tellaes_AR
dc.publisherEscuela de Gobiernoes_AR
dc.relation.ispartofDocumento de Trabajo. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Gobiernoes_AR
dc.subjectLiderazgo políticoes_AR
dc.subjectPolitical leadershipes_AR
dc.subjectPolitica y Gobiernoes_AR
dc.subjectPolitics and Governmentes_AR
dc.subjectPartidos Políticoses_AR
dc.subjectPolitical Partieses_AR
dc.titleLeader over policy? The influence of political leaders on policy preferenceses_AR
dc.subject.keywordPolicy preferenceses_AR
dc.subject.keywordPolitical Decisionses_AR
dc.subject.keywordLeader endorsementes_AR
dc.subject.keywordParty labelses_AR
dc.subject.keywordWeak party systemses_AR

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  • 2017
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