Mostrando ítems 36-42 de 59

    • Chile - Argentina: El Proceso de Construir Confianza 

      Fuentes Saavedra, Claudio (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1996-05)
      A partir de 1990 se evidenció un proceso de cambio estructural en las relaciones de Chile y Argentina producto tanto de la acción sistemática de los gobiernos, como del dinamismo alcanzado por los agentes económicos de ...
    • Recurrent hyperinflations and learning 

      Marcet, Albert; Nicolini, Juan Pablo (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1996-01)
      This paper uses a model of boundedly rational learning to account for the observations of recurrent hyperinflations in the last decade. We show that, in a standard monetary model when the full rational expectations assumption ...
    • Comunitarismo y Derechos Colectivos 

      Spector, Horacio (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1995-07)
      The author distinguishes metaphysical from practical communitarianism, and within the latter he sorts out three different varieties, viz value-, ethical, and techno-legal outlooks. Metaphysical communitarianism is alleged ...
    • Voting in Buenos Aires before 1912 

      Alonso, Paula (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1995-07)
      This paper analyses the nature of the electorate of the city of Buenos Aires at the turn of the century. It challenges received views on the city's political life arguing that electoral participation was growing at a fast ...
    • The Export-led growth hypothesis revisited: Theory and Evidence 

      Ahumada, Hildegart; Sanguinetti, Pablo (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1995-06)
      Exports have been often singled out as a key determinants of fast and sustainable rise in per capita income. In this paper we revisit this export-led growth hypothesis (ELGH). From an empirical point of view we study ...
    • Las finanzas públicas en la formación del Estado. Moneda e instituciones en el Estado de Bs. As. 1852-1862 

      Irigoin, María Alejandra (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1995-06)
      La década de 1850 muestra, por un lado un proceso de estabilización de la moneda corriente, o de recuperación relativa de su precio respecto del oro y, por el otro, un proceso de instalación o creación de instituciones ...
    • The Strenght of Markets in Latin America’s political discourse, 1750-1850. Some preliminary observations 

      Salvatore, Ricardo D. (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 1995-06)
      The paper explores the shifting 'strength' attributed to markets in some key texts of Latin American political discourse. To both Bourbon reformers and mid-nineteenth century liberals, the market was a weak agent unable ...